I made this thing

So here it is.  A website.  It never occurred to me last year when Emma was asking for an idea for a present for me for Christmas, that telling her to get me a sketch book would have such a profound effect on my year.  She picked a mixed media sketch book, with very heavy paper.  Once I opened it, I had to try it out.  It felt so good to make a painting.  It really had been a while since I had painted.  Since the kids had been born, I had finished a painting once every two or three years. 

Now that I had finished this little painting, there was another on the shelf that I had started, and never finished.  Next thing I knew, I could see what it needed to work towards a finished painting.  After that, the ideas for what I should paint next just kept coming.  A year later, and I have finished more than 20 paintings, and sold paintings just from people seeing me share them on Facebook.  Now it is time to give my art a place of its own.  A site dedicated to my paintings. 

I hope you enjoy looking at the paintings as much as I enjoy making them.  Painting has always been meditative for me.  I always feel better after I have been painting.